Robinhood App Links

Robinhood homepage:

The Robinhood homepage has several links to useful and important information, but many are in small font at the bottom of the page. So I'm listing here all the links.

First the easy to see links:

About Robinhood:

Robinhood FAQ center (answers to 71 FAQs; useful, but incomplete):

Now the not so easy to see links:

Commisions and Fees Schedule (some services have costs, not everything is free):

Jurisdictions (United States & Territories, Foreign Countries, U.S. citizens living abroad):

Robinhood Terms & Conditions:

Additional regulatory guidance on Exchange Traded Products:

Disclosure Library (with 20 additional links):

The following three seem to be for margin accounts only:

Margin Account Disclosure Statement:

Customer Margin and Short Account Agreement:

FINRA Investor Information (Purchasing on Margin, Risks Involved With Trading in a Margin Account):

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